Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Final Exams

Finals are approaching my dearest readers! You know what that means: this goody two shoes will be studying ALL WEEKEND LONG. Never mind that yours truly has A's in all of her classes (heh heh, lots of 90's and 91's... stressful) I will be freaking out nonstop for the next 9 days. I will be drawing up study sheets, writing cheat sheets in point 4 font, reading entire sections of my textbooks, and lashing out at those who interrupt me. I am just a paradox of organization, aren't I? WRONG!Though I will be doing all of the above, I will also be partaking in the most destructive activity known to human kind: procrastination. This means that all weekend I will be cleaning, reading 'fun' books, gardening, and shopping. It's a virtue, I know.
By the end of Sunday, my room will be spotless, i will have my outfits picked out for an entire month, I will be the best read person in Wisconsin, and my (currently barren) garden beds will be bursting with blooms. Unfortunately, I will also have studied for a grand total of twenty minutes... 
....But hey, at least everyone else is in the same boat, right? Right?

1 comment:

  1. It's funny because we wrote basically the exact same thing under forms of procrastination without ever actually reading each others. Great minds read each other, clearly
