Sunday, April 28, 2013

Leave Us Comments!

Today I logged on and noticed that we had *gasp* readers! Not even my grandma saw this coming, and she is supposed to believe in me always. I'm sure many of those views come from me obsessively clicking on the blog to see how the words look on the fancy template thing, but we really appreciate anyone besides us reading this! I know it's too soon to have a thank you scene (It hasn't even been a week. How sad is that?) but I'm having one anyways. Hehehe!

Sad for us though, no one has commented. Besides ourselves. It's almost like liking your own photo on Facebook, except in this case the comment was totally relevant and added so much to the story. Check it out, it really did. So here I am, inviting you to comment on our blog! Please guys?

This is a map of my heart, and I am adding a new color for people who leave us comments. You are truly lovely.  

Ok, I got the heart of the internet... So sue me. It's incredibly accurate and I still love it. 

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