Thursday, April 25, 2013

Greetings, Probably Non-existant Readers!

Welcome to our magnificent blog! I say this very hopefully, since I already know we don't have any readers. I imagine that they'll eventually just pop up out of nowhere and realize, "Hey, this is fantastic!" So far that hasn't happened, but it still might. It's only been a few minutes. Our biggest hurdle in starting this blog was learning how to start a blog, a process that took us well over a year. The next major issue we ran into was naming the blog, because while BluE umbreLLA chick is an amazing name, nothing rhymed with Clara. The struggle was very real. In the end we decided on the incredibly cliché "Clara Bear" in the hopes that you, our lovely readers, wouldn't see it and immediately judge us. That's all for now! Since I can't think of any smoother way to sign off, enjoy reading our blog and embarking on a fabulous journey. 

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