Monday, May 20, 2013

Shuffle Three Steps to the Left

 "You, scoot over here!" and "Cross your arms! No-uncross them! Cross your fingers instead!" It's exhausting. The shuffling and stepping and scooting, and the arms around waists, I just don't know anymore.

I'd just like to take a moment to address the awkwardness that is group pictures. As a member of various teams, I am constantly put in positions where it is deemed appropriate to take a group photo of everyone awkwardly smiling at the camera. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that photo op when everyone's really happy and it's a moment you want to immortalize forever.

Recently one of my favorite photos ever was taken at the conference track meet. For the first time in history, both the boys and the girls teams won the meet. As the results were being announced, none of us expected the boys to win and we were all just really happy that the girls had and that the boys were probably coming in second. The moment the announcer declared, "And in first place, we have..." everyone lost it. It's the happiest I can remember myself being in a really long time. That's a moment we should have forever so of course lets take a thousand photos. We all had really huge natural smiles and were standing close and hugging by choice, not because we were arranged that way by some photographer or well meaning parent.

Here we are, in all our glorious blurriness. 

The photos I don't like are group pictures. Imagine this: you're innocently doing an activity, such as sitting on the carpet of a hotel room, chatting with your friends about a certain member of the track team's amazing arms, when suddenly, someone's mother pop's up with her iPhone and says, "Oh, lets take a picture!" In this moment, a candid might be cute of us laughing and painting nails. Alas, this is not the case. Invariably we end up standing with our arms around each other smiling forced smiles and capturing a contrived moment forever. 

Still not feeling it? I can give you another example. There we were, innocently attempting to bowl, when suddenly someone decided to take group pictures of each team. We had to stop all the games and stand together in a line, posing for a camera with our bowling balls. In this case, the candids of me bowling were even worse than the team photo, which is quite unfortunate as it is. 

I think the real reason I hate group photos is because as a person, I'm not very photogenic. This is true to the extent that when I get a good photo of myself I'm tempted to stare suspiciously at it several times a day to try to determine how it got that way. 

I say this not to fish for compliments (Oh no, you're SO photogenic!), but to reason with myself as to why I hate group photos so much. It's just that whenever I pose for a photo, I seem to undergo a drastic change and start to look really weird. It's not the same with candids though. Usually I look like my usual awkward self, but once someone got a photo of me laughing which was cool. I was probably way overexcited about that. 

This problem is compounded by the fact that basically all of the people I hang out with are very attractive. I'm not sure what happened, but somewhere along the line I accidentally made friends with a group of highly beautiful people. In photos they always look perfectly on point, while I'm usually the one weirdly dancing in the corner of the frame or making some odd face since they caught me before I smiled. It's a struggle. 

Check out my secret code! It's a Caesar cipher and the clue is clearly hidden in this post. It's basically why I wrote this entire thing the way I did, sorry about that. (Not sorry).

Zrz, brx dfwxdoob wrrn wkh wlph wr ghfrgh wklv! Ru glg lw rqolqh, brx odcb olwwoh jhqlxv L olnh brx. Wkh zrug ri wkh gdb lv zkdfndgrr, ghvfulelqj pb eurwkhu zkr jrw rii wkh exv wrgdb, ehjdq wr vlqj derxw wrdvw, dqg surpswob uhpryhg klv vkluw ehiruh jhwwlqj lq wkh fdu. L olwhudoob kdyh qr lghd zkdw kdsshqhg wr klp exw L krsh wklv lvq'w klp ehfrplqj d whhqdjhu, wkdw zrxog eh edg. Edqdqdv dqg lfh fuhdp, qhyhu gulqn rudqjh mxlfh diwhu euxvklqj brxu whhwk dqg dozdbv vwrs wr vphoo wkh olodfv. 

Much love! 

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